

We are very excited to announce that we now offer a large range of opaque and transparent colours. This also includes marble, with splatter to follow.

They have the same shape as pressed records, with a raised centre label area and bevelled edges. These new vinyl options are made from a bespoke blend of recycled plastic, and all of the pigments are organic. The blank records are pressed at a plant in France that runs on renewable energy. They are however, not just blank pressed records from a pressing plant, they are the result of more than 4-years of R&D to find a bespoke blend of plastics suitable for lathe cutting.

MARBLE: please note that there is variation of the marbling within each of the variants. The current batch of Yellow Marble is very subtle.

MERMAID: the colour changes between green & purple depending of the luminosity, orientation and background.

Black / opaque

Red / opaque

Blue / transparent

Green Marble / transparent


Crystal Clear

Yellow / opaque

Turquoise / transparent

Dark Marble

Pink / opaque

Orange / opaque

Red Marble

Yellow Marble (subtle)